Wanted Micro Rhododendron Species

Submitted by Grisso on

Does anyone know of any sources for Rhododendron calsotrotum varietiants, or R. forestii, R. imperator or R. saluense? and a source that will mail plants? I knew of a source and had purchased some a few years back, but they no longer ship plants.

Pinole, CA


Submitted by Mark McD on Mon, 09/24/2012 - 21:09

Hello Ryan, welcome to the NARGS Forum. My garden is rather exposed and dry so not condusive to Rhododendrons, but in the past I used to belong to the American Rhododendron Society and purchase rhodies (via group order) from Greer Gardens.  They still have a current web nursery list, and all those species that you mention are available there:


Submitted by Diane Whitehead on Fri, 12/14/2012 - 22:15

Hi Ryan,

The only California rhodo nursery I have shopped at is Singing Tree in McKinleyville.

The plants I was interested in were their scented ones, so I don't know about the ones you mentioned, but they have a website so you can check.

Diane Whitehead
Victoria BC

Submitted by Mommens on Sat, 12/15/2012 - 20:32

Whitney Gardens (www.whitneygardens.com)offers Rh. calostrotum, Rh. forrestii and quite a few other low growing Rhoodendrons. They ship.
And do not forget the Rhododendron Species Foundation  (in Federal Way, WA).