Lewisia glandulosa

Submitted by Peter George on

I've been incredibly busy for the past two months, and I apologize for not being around here, but I will have more time from now on to post and respond. I was in attendance at the NARGS Annual General Meeting in Everett, WA early in March, and I bought a bunch of plants, which I had shipped. Now that I've received them, I discovered that I have no idea what to do which a surprisingly large number of them. Among them is Lewisia glandulosa, which has a modest amount of information available on the net. Have any of you grown it? And can any of you offer some advice on what I should do with it here in Central Massachusetts at 1100 feet? Thanks in advance.


Submitted by Lori S. on Sun, 04/08/2012 - 09:50

Hi, Peter!  It was great to meet you at the AGM!  
I got a plant from Beaver Creek in 2008 and have been growing it in our crevice bed, where it's come back reliably since then (and is one of my earliest plants to emerge in spring  http://nargs.org/smf/index.php?topic=1009.msg16247#msg16247), though it has remained a single small rosette.  It goes dormant after blooming.  The flowers are modest, compared to the big, showy L. cotyledon flowers, but I enjoy seeing it!
Unfortunately, this is not likely too relevant to your climate conditions, but at least it suggests it can be grown in a variety of conditions.  All the best with it!

Submitted by deesen on Sun, 04/08/2012 - 12:39

A short quote from Roy Davidson's "Lewisias" Timber Press 2000.

"Lewisia glandulosa is a long-lived cushion plant, technically deciduous although the previous year's parts persist as a mat of shrunken, ashy, marcescent tissue under the fresh foliage and flowering stems"