Tristagma bivalve

Submitted by deesen on

Anyone growing this? A friend of mine bought some bulbs in August and potted and watered them in very early September, since then-nothing! A friend of his in England reported that he had rried them several times but had lost them each time. Any tips out there please?


Submitted by bulborum on Fri, 12/09/2011 - 07:54

Hello David

I grow them
They grow as a weed here in pots in my poly-tunnels
if you don't take out the seed-pots
you find them everywhere
I can send you bulbs if you want


Submitted by deesen on Fri, 12/09/2011 - 10:32

A kind offer Roland but no thanks. I'm just about out of space until I do some "pruning" when I next re-pot.