Kalmia microphylla

Submitted by Weiser on

Kalmia microphylla is found at high elevation on seeps and fens across Western North America. My photos were taken in the Sierra Nevada Range in Alpine county, California. (there are many synonyms for this species including Kalmia microphylla ssp. occidentalis, Kalmia polifolia ssp. microphylla, and Kalmia polifolia ssp. occidentalis)



Submitted by Hoy on Tue, 12/06/2011 - 13:26

John, an attractive plant!
I've come across other kalmias and have two in my garden but never found this one for sale here. I believe it should be hardy?

Submitted by Lori S. on Tue, 12/06/2011 - 20:11

Well, they're sure hardy enough to grow in the mountains here, Trond... that ought to be hardy enough for almost anyone.  ;)

Beautiful photos, John.  I always enjoy seeing these in boggy places in the alpine zone.  Here are a few pix from Banff:

Submitted by Hoy on Wed, 12/07/2011 - 08:07

Lori wrote:

Well, they're sure hardy enough to grow in the mountains here, Trond... that ought to be hardy enough for almost anyone.  ;)

If they're growing in the mountains there, Lori, I should try some at my mountain cabin. Next step: Find some plants!

Submitted by Tim Ingram on Tue, 12/13/2011 - 05:18

It is lovely to see pictures of this beautiful plant, especially because it is not possible to grow successfully in our dry climate. There is a great article in the latest AGS Bulletin on these small kalmias by Barry Starling, who grows so many small ericaceous shrubs and similar plants and used to sell them at AGS Shows. I don't think they have been grown so much in recent years.