Salvia caespitosa or not?

Submitted by Middleton on

Salvia caespitosa species or not?
This is a mystery plant that I can't find using only Google.
Grown from seed in 2010 it grew into a 30 cm multistem shrub and bloomed quite differently than the photo of Salvia caespitosa in NARGS Photos. It smells like Salvia and appears to have leaves of Salvia. In the second photo attached there are a few flowers left for identification, hopefully.

I've Googled it and found a similar looking plant with it's name captioned at Smith College Botanical Garden.

Also in a google search I believe there is a Salvia found in Turkey (Anatolia) that may be this species. I'd like to offer seed to the seed exchange but would like to do so knowing what I'm donating.
Hope someone has come across this version of Salvia before and can shed some light!


Submitted by Mark McD on Sun, 09/25/2011 - 19:18

Most likely your plant is a Teucrium, a frequent imposter for the real Salvia caespitosa.  In addition to Peter's link to Salvia caespitosa, here's a few more:

Salvia caespitosa;topic=5699.0;atta...

Robin's Salvias, a superb photographic resource on Salvia species:

Photo on the NARGS photo gallery:

Submitted by Middleton on Sun, 09/25/2011 - 21:41

Yes, it seems to be Teucrium botrys.  Thanks Mark!

When I previously looked at the NARGS photo album and Wrightmans photo of Salvia caespitosa, I realized my plant grown from NARGS seed was not the real thing.

As this Teucrium is a biennial, there will be a space for Salvia caespitosa!  Hopefully the 'real deal' is offered in this year's exchange.