Lanhydrock House and Garden, Cornwall, England

Submitted by deesen on

Lanhydrock is a house and estate now owned by our National Trust, more information here:-

We usually visit the estate in spring, mid-summer and during the fall and it is one of our favourite gardens. Our spring visit is really for Rhododendrons, Camellias and the extensive collection of Magnolias of which the Estate has several yellow forms. Most of these were bred in the States and I thought friends over the pond might be interested in seeing them. So, a few pics here and I have chose the ones that had the advantage of an adjacent information board which I also pictured.

If anyone is interested I will happily post more images from our visit.

M. 'Yellow Fever' was difficult to photograph being surrounded by a beautiful red Acer and a Rhododendron


Submitted by Lori S. on Thu, 04/14/2011 - 21:45

deesen wrote:

If anyone is interested I will happily post more images from our visit.

Are you kidding?!?  It's fascinating to see such beautiful lush growth and exquisite plantings!  More please! 

P.S.  I have to admit... when you referred to 'Yellow Fever' (a Magnolia cv.), I thought you were referring to another alternative to the "white fever" snowdrop addiction that is rampant come February-March  over on the SRGC forum.  ;D  ;D  (And if I could grow them so well, I'd be addicted too!!  :o) 

Submitted by deesen on Fri, 04/15/2011 - 12:57

You got it Lori.

The Rhododendrons were in fine form so here is a selction, and I don't have names, that took my eye.

Submitted by Lori S. on Sat, 04/16/2011 - 09:53

Absolutely gorgeous rhodo scenes, David!  It's dream-like... We can get away with growing a few of the hardiest, smaller species and cultivars here but nothing like those buxom beauties!  The flower size on some you show is astounding.  I like the photo "Rhodo vista #7" particularly, with the wave of colour cascading down the slope. 
The second last photo appears to show a smaller type that looks very intriguing.

Submitted by deesen on Sat, 04/16/2011 - 12:34

Can't help with the name Lori. I posted these pics on the SRGC Forum in the off-chance that John Weigle would see them and give me a flood of names but perhaps he missed them.

A few general shots of the garden and then some of tulips bedded out. Some people find bedding a bit of a bore but I'm for colour however it's achieved

Submitted by cohan on Wed, 04/20/2011 - 18:55

Lots of great stuff, David! I became quite fond of certain magnolias when I was in Toronto-- I like the ones that stay rather closed looking, and not the narrow petalled, open/floppy tattery kind (I have an even more unkind way of thinking of them, which I wont
Rhodos are great too, and as for Lori, they are a rather exotic foreign thing to the big ones!

Submitted by Schier on Wed, 05/18/2011 - 17:02

Oh my, I'm just drooling over the # 6, and then as Lori mentioned, the second to last, I think it's rs 1, lovely small plant, what colours! Can't get enough of photos like that....