Submitted by HeLP on

Seeds came today, all 35 first picks-thanks seed ex


Submitted by Jeddeloh on Sat, 01/08/2011 - 14:14

Got my seed today too.  All, or almost all first picks, but then I upped the odds by being a seed packaging volunteer.  Now if it would just warm up enough so I felt like going out to get the potting mix etc to plant the seed.


Submitted by Lori S. on Sat, 01/08/2011 - 14:45

Wow, already?  What seeds are you most excited to get?  

I wasn't so quick off the mark in ordering, so I don't expect to receive mine so rapidly.  The seeds that will delight me most (if I am so lucky as to get them) are:
4107 Bukiniczia cabulica Pakistan: Batura Glacier
2042        Onosma nana

Submitted by Jeremy on Wed, 01/12/2011 - 14:16

Mine arrived on the 8th as well! I might have gotten all first picks but didn't keep a copy of the order form so I'm not sure. But it's close. I'm pleased to have received Campanulas morettiana from the Dolomites and zoysii from the Julian Alps as I'm a Campanulaphile and have ancestors from both locales.

Submitted by Hoy on Wed, 01/12/2011 - 14:34

And I am still waiting too . . .
Last year I either forgot to post my order or it disappeared in the mail, the result was I didn't get any seeds at all! - I assumed it was too late to get what I wanted when I discovered the blunder so I didn't send another order.

This year, on the other hand, I am positive I sent the order!

Submitted by RickR on Wed, 01/12/2011 - 16:05

Jeremy wrote:

... from the Dolomites and zoysii from the Julian Alps as I'm a Campanulaphile and have ancestors from both locales.

Three of my grandparents are Slovenian, and I favor the plants from there (the Julian Alps), too.

Submitted by Fermi on Sun, 01/16/2011 - 15:37

I'm very happy ;D - the NARGS seeds arrived on Friday - all 35 first choices! That's a first! There was even an extra packet which must been "stuck" between two others which I'd ordered.
Thanks to the Seedex Team for their hard work and to all the seed donors who make the exchange possible!

Submitted by Hoy on Mon, 01/17/2011 - 04:15

Seems to be shorter to Australia than Europe!

Submitted by Mikkelsen on Tue, 01/18/2011 - 22:13

Hi all!

I didn't think these would get here this early but I am so happy that they did.  Most of the species don't require any (or only a few weeks) of cold stratification.  I've got my alpine soil mix and 3" pots ready to go and I start tomorrow!

I received every one of my first choices except for one that came from the alternate list.  Wow!  Thanks to donors 261 (Panayoti Kelaidis and Mike Bone, PKMB) who fulfilled some of my fondest wishes by collecting seed in Kazakhstan. 

Happy Germination!


Submitted by AmyO on Sun, 01/23/2011 - 20:33

Seeds have arrived to Vermont!! Mostly first choices. The potting mix is inside defrosting, I've gone through the packets noting down germination requirements from the Ontario Rock Garden Society websites seed index...I am ready to get started! YAY!! I love seeds!  ;D

Submitted by Whyer on Tue, 01/25/2011 - 07:03

Seeds arrived in the UK at last. Ordered on the first day the list appeared online. Package has Jan 19. 11 on it. I guess my order spent a long time in the Christmas post getting to Nargs and things won't improve until we can order online, or email it through, but better than in the past when I recall not getting the list until well into January some years.
As a seed order "picker" for some time, (and past packer) with the AGS I know the effort put in by volunteers. Thanks everyone over there.

Brian Whyer

Submitted by Booker on Tue, 01/25/2011 - 09:14

Seed arrived in wet and windy Lancashire, U.K. this morning ... many thanks to all the wonderful volunteers, donors and organisers.

Submitted by Hoy on Sat, 01/29/2011 - 00:01

Lis wrote:

Ah, so there's still hope for mine? Haven't seen anything in the mailbox yet and I'm keen! I know it's a lot of work and I'm grateful so I shouldn't be impatient!

But. . .    ???   :(


Submitted by Lori S. on Sun, 01/30/2011 - 01:09

I'm starting to wonder where mine is too... hope it's not drifting around aimlessly out there!  You are in Canada, too, aren't you, Liz?  Maybe it's just a function of the cross-border transport, somehow.

Submitted by Middleton on Sun, 01/30/2011 - 11:04

Everyday for the past week, here in central Ontario, I've excitedly checked the mailbox and nothing :(  Last year's order arrived February 4Th so I'm not panicking yet.
But speaking of 'wandering around', in 2009 the NARGS seed order had not arrived by mid February so I made some inquiries.  Yes, my order had been filled and sent out!  Weeks went by and I assumed it was stuck in customs or lost.  But it arrived in April!  Our rural mail delivery person came to the door with a very soggy and dirty bundle of mail.....the NARGS seed package and bills.  It had been found two concessions away, in the ditch, revealed by melting snow, near someones mailbox! Talk about being thrilled ;D
This mail lady now receives a lovely bonus every Christmas!

Submitted by maggiepie on Sun, 01/30/2011 - 14:04

Mine haven't arrived either :'(
Sent my order in the day the list came out but I think it takes something like 2 weeks each way for mail to get to destinations between US and Canada. :-X
Am so hoping the online ordering starts next year. :)

Submitted by Lori S. on Sun, 01/30/2011 - 14:13

Lis wrote:

Oh, well, patience IS a virtue, and I'll continue to work on getting some. Patience, that is. Too late for virtue.


Middleton wrote:

It had been found two concessions away, in the ditch, revealed by melting snow, near someones mailbox! Talk about being thrilled ;D

Mail delivery has been very good around here for last few years... so I'm not yet tempted to start checking the gutters and back alleys.  ;)
(... Although some time ago, we did have a sociopathic mail carrier who would park on our boulevard (lawn at that time) or blocking our driveway - despite extremely ample parking space in this neighborhood - and preferred to bash through people's hedges rather than use the sidewalks.  Instead of using an organized mail pouch as other carriers do, she had loose mail thrown in the backseat of her car and would grab handfuls to deliver at each stop.  We'd get at least one mis-delivered piece of mail each week...  Had the mail been delivered by aerial drop, I think it would have been only slightly less accurate and much less damaging to the landscaping.  :rolleyes:)

Submitted by Lori S. on Sun, 01/30/2011 - 14:24

maggiepie wrote:

Am so hoping the online ordering starts next year. :)

That would be a great feature!

Submitted by RickR on Sun, 01/30/2011 - 19:52

Middleton wrote:

Our rural mail delivery person came to the door with a very soggy and dirty bundle of mail.....the NARGS seed package ... had been found two concessions away, in the ditch, revealed by melting snow...

So, you got a head start on the cold-moist seed stratification(!)

(Sometimes, you have to look hard for a bright side.)

Submitted by Middleton on Tue, 02/01/2011 - 11:49

I meant to add, regarding seed packages lost in a snowbank for weeks, that they were fine, nice & dry inside the inner plastic bubble lining!  Just the outer cover had suffered.
Yes Rick, germination of those seeds was excellent, even though they received frigid temperatures....dry. One package of Calceolaria arachnoidea from Chile did not germinate but can't surmise it was too cold for them.

Tuesday's mail had seeds ???

Submitted by CScott on Tue, 02/01/2011 - 17:23

A big THANK YOU to all the volunteers who make the Seed Exchange work.
I am delighted with the seeds which arrived yesterday when we were at minus 25ºC.
It is fun to go through the packages and look them up on line and plan how to germinate them.
Thank you to all the volunteers!

Submitted by Lori S. on Tue, 02/01/2011 - 19:19

Hi, Caroline!  Great to see you here!  If you have got your seeds, I guess I should be hopeful... ?
I echo your sentiments... thanks to all the volunteers who make these seed exchanges possible!

Submitted by McGregorUS on Wed, 02/02/2011 - 04:22

My seed turned up this morning here in the UK. Was just starting to wonder but it has arrived just as I'm getting started on the Spring issue of the Quarterly so I'll have to take some time out to sandpaper some Astragalus, and sow Castilleja and Towndsendia together in companion sowing (which I read about from Stephanie Ferguson in the Fall issue - it inspired my choices). It's such a great time of year - looking forward.

Submitted by Boland on Sun, 02/20/2011 - 17:55

Mine arrived a couple of weeks ago.  The first pots (those that didn't need strat) are germinated already.

Submitted by Lori S. on Tue, 02/22/2011 - 20:01

I got my order on Feb. 8... and just realized last night while entering sowing records in a spreadsheet that I had received rather fewer packets than I anticipated because I had forgotten to add my donor number to the order... acckk!  
(Just as well- I already had more than enough seeds to play with anyway, and in addition, my order from Vojtech Holubec just arrived today. :))

Submitted by Boland on Fri, 03/04/2011 - 18:43

I am ashamed to say I have never ordered from Vojtech...mostly he has drylanders that just won't go here anyway.  However, I am now on the seedex list for Goteburg BG...I heard they have a great list.  Have to wait until next year though as they have already sent out this years list.

Submitted by Klapwijk on Sat, 03/19/2011 - 09:56


for those of you lamenting not being able to order seeds online, please be advised the NARGS online SeedEx project is about 25% complete.
Barring any unforeseen circumstances there will be an electronic means of ordering your seeds this year.

To facilitate online ordering, please make sure Bobby Ward is in possession of your current/preferred email address.

Chris Klapwijk
NARGS webmaster

Submitted by Lori S. on Sat, 03/19/2011 - 10:05

Excellent news!  Thanks very much to those who are making this possible!