Violet but yellow!

Submitted by Hoy on

"Fjellfiol" Viola biflora is common where the snow melts late in the summer. Always a pleasure to find.


Submitted by Boland on Sat, 09/25/2010 - 06:03

Late responding to this post....there are several yellow violets in western Canada too  Unfortunately, all of Newfoundland's violets are blue or white.

Submitted by Paul T on Tue, 02/01/2011 - 02:29


It's beautiful.  I used to grow it many years ago, but it disappeared one year.  I had it for about 4 or 5 years, but I think it got too dry one summer?  So strange to have yellow flowers on those "violet" leaves.

Submitted by Lori S. on Wed, 02/02/2011 - 06:32

We have 3 species of yellow-flowered violas here.  I see the prairie-dwelling Viola nuttallii most often. 
Here is Viola orbiculata, from the montane woods in Banff N.P.:

Submitted by RickR on Wed, 02/02/2011 - 16:45

We also have at least one native yellow violet in Minnesota.  I remember the plentiful stemmed plants from childhood, just south of Minneapolis.

Submitted by Kelaidis on Wed, 02/02/2011 - 21:58

Viola biflora is a rare native of Colorado, and I saw it in 2009 in the Altai: quite a stretch! I have a hunch it will be hard to bloom.

Viola sheltonii is my favorite yellow: cut leaves like a birdsfoot and bright yellow flowers...I have pix somewhere!

Just saw Viola sempervirens in Oregon (not blooming quite yet) another fine yellow...ever notice that violets seem to be either weeds or mimps?

Submitted by Paul T on Wed, 02/02/2011 - 23:25

Assuming that what I had was correctly named, I flowered the biflora every year with at least a few flowers.  I did get occasional seedlings, but unfortunately not enough to keep it going.  I think the pot actually got taken over by weeds that killed the violet off, rather than it not surviving for any other environmental reason.