Unknown Erigeron

Submitted by Vaxvick on

There's a phrase to strike fear in the hearts of an amateur botanist...almost as bad as "Unknown Arnica".
I obtained seeds of Erigeron aureus from this spring's NARGS seed exchange, was was delighted to get good germination. But the plants, which have not bloomed, have rosettes of very large, very hairy leaves, quite unlike the E. aureus that we find in the Rockies. I wonder what I've got!
Will attach photos of E. aureus from a hike this summer to Parker Ridge in Banff Nat. Park, and then the unknown plant.

Linda in Calgary, Alberta


Submitted by RickR on Thu, 09/06/2012 - 17:33

Looks like a Hieracium sp. - H. villosum?

Hieracium villosum

The wee little kid is pretty cool, too.

Submitted by Vaxvick on Sun, 09/09/2012 - 10:09

Thanks to both of you.  I think Rick is right.  But the Hieracium villosa may be a zone 4 plant, so we'll see if it survives the winter. 

Submitted by Lori S. on Sun, 09/09/2012 - 11:15

Linda, I'm pretty sure any Hieracium would be hardy on the moon or Mars...  ;D  Many are classified as noxious weeds in many areas... more to the point though, I've grown Hieracium villosum for a great many years here and it is completely hardy. 
Wish I could send you some seeds for the real thing... unfortunately, I didn't collect any this year, but I'll check my seed stores.

Submitted by Vaxvick on Mon, 09/10/2012 - 21:42

Thanks for the kind offer, Lori,  perhaps we'll meet up at a CRAGS meeting sometime.

Submitted by Cooper on Sun, 12/16/2012 - 17:43

That looks like the plant I get every time I try to get E. aureus seed from seed exchanges.