Spring Flowers of Tajikistan & Uzbekistan

Crocus korolkowii
12-day main tour plus 3-day add-on
$5475 USD double occupancy/ $6200 USD single occupancy
Extension: $820 USD double/ $900 USD single
Wednesday, April 02, 2025
Sunday, April 13, 2025
Spring Flowers of Tajikistan & Uzbekistan

Spring in Tajikistan and Uzbekistan

April 2-13, 2025 plus Bukhara extension April 13-15, 2025

Eight fantastic Juno Irises and eight Tulip species are the cream of an amazing array of bulbous species that cover the spectacular mountains and steppes of Tajikistan and nearby parts of Uzbekistan. And not just bulbs….add to this a wide variety of Anemone, Primula, Geranium, Pedicularis, and more! Join us on this Greentours trip to a rarely visited part of the world. Tour leader Oron Peri, and, if needed, Todd Boland as second leader.

Registration begins on September 15, 2025. Check for availability first by using the home page "Contact Us" (top right) and then selecting "Category | Tours". If space is available you will be notified to make your deposit.

Download details of the tour from the pdf