Spring Stuff

Submitted by cohan on

Hi all--
Since its that time of year for some: I'm looking for seeds or bits of spring flowering plants-- Corydalis, Hepatica, Eranthis, Adonis, spring Anemones etc etc and any of the small bulby things;
Especially interested in woodland/woodland edge-clearing plants, and wild forms preferred, but not exclusively ..

Also other woodland, prairie sp-- interested in wild plants, shrubs, small trees, from northern areas and 'near' natives--things that almost reach my area, and grow in surrounding areas/states/provinces etc ....

I can trade seed of various local species-- follow my posts to see what's around or ask for anything you think I might see and can look for seed of :)


Submitted by Howey on Fri, 05/06/2011 - 07:42

Hi Cohan:  You had asked for Dubia diphylla seeds.  Mine are starting to form and will soon be ready to send.  I will need your snail mail address please.  Fran

Frances Howey
London, Ontario, Canada
Zone 5b

Submitted by cohan on Sun, 05/08/2011 - 17:12

thanks, Fran--address sent :)

I`m happy to see some Cory seedlings from past years`sowings, can`t yet say the same thing for Trilliums, need to add those to my asked for list--any species that has a chance of being hardy here :)