Speakers Tour

Submitted by HeLP on

Hello fellow lurkers.  Scheduling for the 2015 speakers tour will commence in earnest starting in early August, 2014.  Please alert your chapter speaker chair that requests should be made to me by the end of this month to assure the best possibility of inclusion in the tour.  See the speakers tab on the NARGS website home page for further details, please note the the Fall Western tour with Jerry Kral will be in October, not September - October as stated in the Quarterly.


Submitted by HeLP on Wed, 12/16/2015 - 07:16

Hello NARGS Members,


I see that the AdCom committee in its infinite wisdom has once again canceled the Speakers Tour citing financial considerations.  It is time for the membership to speak up regarding their priorities and allocation of funds for the organization . Please take some time to review past and current budgets and expenditures and express your priorities and concerns.