Searching for Dampiera fusca, Tinderry Ranges, Australia

Submitted by Mark McD on

from ABC News

Good 6 minute video, an intrepid party from the Botanical Gardens sets out on a seed hunt in the Tinderry Ranges, Australia, in search of Dampiera fusca:

Dampiera fusca Google images:


Submitted by Steve Newall on Wed, 03/20/2013 - 10:49

Thanks Mark . Enjoyed that . "We'll head straight up then collect opportunistically on the way back" . Yeah , right .
I could easily imagine NARGS forumists in a similar role on a different mountain

Submitted by Mark McD on Wed, 03/20/2013 - 15:25

Jandals wrote:

Thanks Mark . Enjoyed that . "We'll head straight up then collect opportunistically on the way back" . Yeah , right .
I could easily imagine NARGS forumists in a similar role on a different mountain

Yes, I found that part amusing (about remaining focused and not getting side tracked); I thought it might resonate with NARGS members. :)