Scottish Rock Garden Club has new web address

Submitted by IMYoung on

Exciting news .... the SRGC website has a new address :

On the new site you will find access to all the features of the old site and more besides, including the new Jim Archibald Archive - a work in progress which will, we hope, do justice to the work of that great plant hunter. We are grateful to Jenny Archibald and to Jim's friend and archivist, David Stephens, for their help and support in this project.

There is LOTS more still to come on the new site - we hope that it will continue to amaze and delight all who visit- all our NARGS friends are especially welcome, as you might expect!

Our main recommendation for viewing the new site is NOT to use Internet Explorer. It simply does not support the features we have at
edit- 24th July see next post!

Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera, and Safari, (for those with MACS) are all capable of showing you the site in its full version.

Please do not attempt to register on the new site. It has been disabled and is pointless right now in any case as it will not access anything you can't already see.

We hope we have got most things tested and so on, but you will all doubtless let us know what you think!


SRGC WebTeam


Submitted by IMYoung on Tue, 07/24/2012 - 12:56

After much effort, Webmaster Fred has got all the main features of the site to work with IE8 and IE9 but it does not look as pretty as it does on other browsers!

His first priority was to get the site operational for the majority of users, who are not with IE, so we are glad to now get those difficulties sorted out.