Plant of the Month for May 2013

Draba polytricha

Description and general information

Draba polytricha is a low (5 cm) bun-forming alpine with tiny rosettes of fuzzy, grey-green foliage and numerous thin stems topped with small clusters of yellow flowers. This species is native to the alpine regions of Turkey. It is considered hardy from zones 5 through 7.

Draba polytricha; photo by Todd Boland


This species requires sharp drainage, especially in winter. It performs best under alpine house conditions. It requires full sun and appreciates alkaline soil.

Bloom period

Winter-spring, from February in the south to May in the north.




Ontario Rock Garden Society states to sow their seeds at 20 C for 3 months followed by 4 C for another 3 months. Personal experience achieved germination by simply stratifying seeds for 8 weeks at 2-4 C.


Plant is tap-rooted so division is not practiced.


Not generally practiced as the rosettes are essentially stemless.


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