Calgary, Zone 3. Photo taken in the garden June 27, 2015. These plants are the originals, planted six years ago. Some additional plants have self-seeded, but this species doesn't seem to be the rampant self-seeder that some Erigerons are. Since it is native to Oregon and California, I wasn't sure if it would be hardy here, but it has grown well.
These are growing in an area that gets sun until about 3 PM. Unfortunately, this plant has one annoying habit - the flowers only stay open for about an hour or two after they lose full sun, so they are not open in the evening where they are currently growing. The plants usually bloom for about a month, and the bloom season is later than many Erigerons (from about the last week in June to the last week in July here).
Plants form a clump that very gradually widens. (These plants are about 10 to 15 cm across after six years). Height of the flower stalks is about 10 cm.