Norman Singer Endowment Fund

Applications for grants must be received by January 2, 2024. See application form below. Recipients will be announced at the meeting in Oakland, Calif.


About Our Fund

The NARGS Endowment Fund was set up in 1983 upon the recommendation of Norman Singer, the society’s secretary, and approved by the board in 1984. The interest accruing from the funds in the endowment was restricted to special projects, rather than operations of the society.  In 1992, the NARGS board adopted guidelines for use of the funds and a committee appointed to recommend grants.

Norman held various positions in NARGS including president (1992-1994), and he received numerous awards from the society, including the Award of Merit and the Marvin Black Award.

Norman served in the U.S. Army in World War II, assigned to Bletchley Park (U.K.) as a code breaker. He became a performing arts administrator in New York City, including Lincoln Center, and the Aspen (Colorado) Music Festival. He and his long-term partner, Geoffrey Charlesworth, whom he had met at Bletchley, retired to Sandisfield, Massachusetts, in 1981.

Norman died in 2001, age 80, and the endowment fund was renamed to honor his contributions to NARGS.

How to Apply
Endowment Fund Guidlines
2025 Application




Paige Ransford (Massachusetts): Purchase interpretative educational signage, panels, and plant labels for the restored Franklin Park Zoo Rock Garden, Boston.
Marcela Ferreyra (Argentina): Publication and wider distribution of a book titled "Plants of Extra-Andean Patagonia, Patagonia Steppe, and Southern Monte."
Don LaFond and Great Lakes Chapter of NARGS. Install a tufa rock garden and hypertufa troughs at the University of Michigan's Matthaei Botanical Garden.


Rancho Cistus Botanic Garden. Jeremy Schmidt (North Carolina), Sean Hogan (Oregon), Kenton Seth (Colorado), and Paul Spriggs (British Columbia) installed the first public crevice garden in Portland, Oregon in June 2022 during the annual meeting of the American Public Gardens Association, whose members will visit and see the installation.


Kenton Seth/ Paul Spriggs : A book on crevice gardening in North America.
Tower Hill Botanic Garden (Mark Richardson) Study of rock gardens
Scraps-to-Soil Crevice Garden, Ursula Cruzalegui


Juniper Level Botanic Garden
Evergreen Arboretum
Laurelwood Arboretum


Green Spring Gardens, Fairfax County Park Foundation -Renovate degraded area of the existing rock garden by creating a new crevice garden area.
Jasper Johns: Goal is to elucidate the gene(s) responsible for adaptive alpine dwarfism in Aquilegia jonesii and to identify the genes responsible for growing it (soil drainage, composition, pH, watering and light schedules, etc.). This will contribute to the knowledge of how alpine plants grow in the wild but how they can be optimally cultivated in our homes


Juniper Level Botanic Garden (Raleigh, North Carolina) - construction of dry crevice and lime seep garden using concrete slabs to evaluate plants that normally die in southern U.S. gardens.
Susann Nilsson (Mariannelund, Sweden) - field work on Pulsatilla in Asia and preparation of monograph.


Vojtech Holubec (Prague, Czech Republic) - printing book on flowers of the Tian Shan region of Asia.




Yampa River Botanic Park, CO: Purchase plants for new crevice garden and educational materials.
Dart’s Hill Garden, BC: To purchase plants for new tufa garden.


New England Wildflower Society. Funding to cover expenses associated with the recognition of the Trillium collections with the North American Plant Collections Consortium.
Susann Nilsson, Amateur botanist with excellent references.  Funding required to cover travel and research in order to write a monograph on the Genus Pulsatilla.


JC Raulston Arboretum.
Oregon State University Discovery Garden.


NARGS Seed Exchange for electronic seed ordering.
Allegheny Chapter for installation of rock garden.
The Iowa Arboretum for installation of alpine rock garden.


Alaska Rock Garden Society, Anchorage, AK- for planting a tufa bed in the Alaska Botanical Garden.
Rotary Botanical Gardens, Janesville, WI - for renovation of existing alpine garden.
The Fells, Newbury, NH- for continued renovation of the Clarence Hay Rock Garden.


Spring Creek Gardens in Ft. Collins, CO for starting the garden.


JC Raulston Arboretum -  Support of the scree rock garden and roof-top scree garden at NC State University, Raleigh.
Berry Botanic Garden (Portland, OR), Kris Freitag, for rock garden renovation.
Oregon Shool for the Blind (Salem, OR) for building rock, bog and crevice gardens. ( Note: School closed summer 2009.)
Spencer Crest Nature Center (Corning, NY), Bill Plummer, for buiding a rock garden.


Dianne Reeck for a study of Erythronium revolutum.
University of Newfoundland in St. John's for creation of a crevice garden.
Toronto Botanical Garden for 3 permanent troughs.
U. Michigan Matthaei Botanical Gardens for rebuilding Marie Azary Rock Garden.


The Fells, Newbury, NH - continuation of the rehabilitation of Clarence Hay Garden.
University of Wisconsin (Madison), Allen Centennial Gardens for tufa bed.
John Gyer - research on soil of root zone of sessile trillumns.