BNARGS Meeting April 13, 2024

Submitted by Zander on
Feature image
Talk by Anne Speigel
Berkshire Botanical Garden
Event type
Local Chapter
Berkshire (Stockbridge, MA)

AM: Anne Speigel, Canadian Gardens.
Anne's presentation is based on the gardens she saw during a 2 week speaker trip across Canada in October, 2023.
Some gardens were very well known, others were not, but all were beautiful, and quite individual. Crevices, screes, bogs, sand beds, rare trees and shrubs, and some spectacular views...

PM: Seedling sale. Remember donors get first pick!
PM: May Roster List
      We will also organize an outreach roster for the Berkshire Botanical Garden May Plant Sale. We need current members to volunteer to sell BNARGS plants and hand out bookmarks on both Friday May 10 and Saturday May 11th. This is our opportunity to reach NEW members. (Plus you get to socialize with other plant vendors.) Get ready to volunteer!