Sorry - tour full. NARGS Tours presents travel to the Lycia region of southwestern Türkiye for an early spring bulb extravaganza! The 8-day tour will be led by Chris Gardner from Vira Natura Tours and will focus on the flora of the Taurus Mountains and coastal lowlands. Chris is co-author of Flora of the Silk Road and Flora of the Mediterranean.
There may be snow on the ground in the mountains, but the coastal fringe will already be greening fast. In the higher hills and mountains, we hope to find an array of early blooming crocuses, colchicums, corydalis, cyclamen, snowdrops, and orchids. We will also visit the botanically rich Tahtali Dagi Mountain which rises from the sea to 7000 feet in just a few miles. Each day we will take different driving routes to botanize and visit historical sites.
Immediately following the botanical tour will be an optional 5-day extension to Istanbul. For centuries this vast metropolis has been a major center of trade and culture. The extension will explore the city’s rich history, enjoy it modern sights, and sample its world-renowned cuisine.
The tour will be limited to 20 participants. You must be a NARGS member to register. The planned itinerary is discussed in the attached tour brochure.