Northwest Flower show

Submitted by Kelaidis on

I have been back for almost a week now, and the show ended last Sunday, but I can't resist posting some of the nursery displays from this amazing show. There were a half dozen really fine nurseries with great offerings for rock gardeners: Kelly Dodson and Sue Milliken's Far Reach Farm was mobbed the whole time, and Edelweiss Alpines from Portland had a great display including lots of Gentiana acaulis in full bloom! There was an incredible Heath and Heather nursery, and a number of other fine firms (Naylor's, "Keeping it Green" which wins the prize for the best nursery with the worst name--they had fabulous Western bulbs and orchids) and on and on...Oh well. Guess you had to be there: next year if you live anywhere near Seattle, you gotta go. I am thinking of going back myself. I think it compares favorably to Philly flower show in many respects (please don't stone me, you Easterners!) ;D Oh yeah! the Gardens and seminars were awesome too...they had to have had several hundred booths, and they were really artistic. I am not much of a trade show person, but this one sold me! I had a ton of things to lug back!


Submitted by Lori S. on Thu, 03/03/2011 - 21:34

Good grief, looks like a place where I would have maxed out my Visa (even without getting to the rocks)!  Wow!

Submitted by Hoy on Fri, 03/04/2011 - 00:31

Yes, Lori, you said it! I am almost glad I wasn't there -  I hadn't been allowed through at the airport ;D

Submitted by cohan on Fri, 03/04/2011 - 01:05

Very impressive! Its hard for me to imagine seeing 1 nursery focussing on cool alpines/natives, nevermind a bunch of them under one roof  ;D

Submitted by Kelaidis on Fri, 03/04/2011 - 13:53

The owners of this show seem to be very supportive and I suspect it will only improve over time.

I have uploaded a TON of pictures of just the trade show at this website...

My girlfriend did the Gardens and other you will have to wait to see those, but you will see from my pictures (and I only got a fraction of the booths) how artistically they were decorated...