Hi from Devon, UK

Submitted by deesen on

Hi all,

My name is David Nicholson and I live and garden in Devon in the extreme south west of England on the southern slopes of Dartmoor. Given that I'm in the south west, and that's where our prevailing weather comes from, and close to both the coast and the moor, it will be no surprise that we get more than our fair share of rain. On average, and very unscientifically measured, around 195 days a year and , when I last found some figures, nearly 900m/m a year.

My interests are mainly bulbous (in it's widest sense) plants, Narcissus; Crocus; Cyclamen; Iris; the odd Snowdrop; and a growing collection of European and South African Romulea. Really I will have a crack at anything bulbous I can get my hands on For summer interest I grow a range of Lewisia. I suffer from the same problem that many of you will share, trying to grow too much of everything.

Although not yet a NARGS member I'm a member of SRGC; the AGS;the Royal Horticultural Society; the Crocus Group; the South African Bulb Group, and shortly will be joining the Cyclamen Society. No wonder I run out of cash for bulbs!

I've read parts of your Forum since it started and I look forward to participating


Submitted by Mark McD on Tue, 02/01/2011 - 08:10

Welcome David, good to see you on this side of the pond :D  Looking forward to your posts on the NARGS Forum.

I didn't realize your climate was that wet, our average annual precipitation is about 1/3rd that, although it varies.  We're starting out with a bang in January, had over 5' (150 cm) snow, and as I write, there is a blizzard outside with 18-24" more snow predicted.


Submitted by Anne Spiegel on Tue, 02/01/2011 - 08:13

Welcome, David.  I look forward to your  participation in the NARGS Forum. I'm one of your readers on the Scottish Forum.

Submitted by deesen on Tue, 02/01/2011 - 12:36

Thank you Ann (or is it Anne) and Mark, it's good to be here.

Submitted by Anne Spiegel on Tue, 02/01/2011 - 18:38

It's Anne.  We've had yet more snow here and are expecting part2 of the storm to include ice.  Not going anywhere tomorrow!  Hope your winter is better.