Eriogonum ochrocephalum var. ochrocephalum

Submitted by Weiser on

Eriogonum ochrocephalum is found growing in the sagebrush, saltbrush and juniper woodland comunities of northwestern Nevada and north eastern California from 4000' - 5500' (1300m-1700m). It is grows on exposed volcanic clay slopes and blooms from late May-early July. Flowers are yellow, the infloresence is capitate held 3-4” above the foliage. The leaves are oblanceolate to elliptic and densely tomentose on the upper surface, slightly less so on the lower surface.

The plants grow as loose, slowly creeping mats. This species sends out short rhizomes just below the surface of the ground making it easy to take cuttings and a good crevice plant . They are some what deciduous losing the majority of their leaves in the winter.

One of the easier ones I grow. Give it sharp drainage and excellent air flow in moister climates than it's normal high desert habitat.


Submitted by Mark McD on Tue, 12/21/2010 - 21:06

John, I like this one a lot, a classic yellow buckwheat with beautiful silvery-gray foliage. Given that it is "one of the easier ones" to grow in your estimation, I'm taking note of this fact and will look to try it out sometime.  You are an Eriogonum evangelist!

Submitted by penstemon on Wed, 12/29/2010 - 09:14

I've grown this one in the past; it's worth growing just for the foliage. It's pretty easy in a rainless climate like mine. (Tucson is Seattle compared to my garden....not a complaint, though.)
Summer humidity and the eriogonum pest can do it in quickly, though. I now think the pest is a tiny caterpillar that loves choice eriogonums. It ate my plants in about a day.
