Ontario Rock Garden Hardy Plant Society

Submitted by Howey on

Hi again: I would like to draw people's attention to what I consider a breakthrough by ORGHPS. At this time of year, when seedaholics are busy making selections from some very large seedexes, and probably, like me, going a bit bug eyed flicking back and forth from the list (sometimes electronic) to Google (and putting on and taking off the bifocals like me), this wonderful group has made it all a lot easier for people like me. With each item, they have a link to Google pics, descriptions and germination instructions. But it is the easy accessibility of pics that is such a boon. In addition, their meticulous attention to the needs of members (and I know that being one of the smaller lists makes this a lot easier) is admirable. I had asked about Myrica gale - something which reputedly grows around this area and that I hadn't seen on any list. Immediately, Barrie Porteous went out in his canoe to where they grew on his property to collect seed - and, after sending me a nice envelop full, made this an item on the Seedex. Wow! I am full of admiration for Carol Clark, Barrie and the rest of the team that produces this Seedex and value my membership in such a fantastic and caring group. Amen


Submitted by Peter George on Sun, 12/19/2010 - 10:34

Hi Frances,
I'm curious why this fine chapter of NARGS no longer seems to participate enthusiastically in NARGS. We seem to have more chapters going their own way rather than working together to make this organization stronger and more meaningful to our members. Do you have any insights into this situation?