Submitted by Booker on

Sue and I would like to place on record our sincere thanks to the North American Rock Garden Society; to the Chairpersons, officers and committee members of the following Chapters (Berkshire, Connecticut, Newfoundland, Wisconsin-Illinois, Potomac Valley and Southern Appalachian); to our wonderful tour organizers, Maria Galletti and Alan Grainger; to the dozens of amazing friends we have made during our tour; to the owners and custodians of all the tremendous gardens we were privileged to visit, covet and photograph - and especially to our magnificent hosts, tour guides and escorts who enriched our lives, ensured our comfort and demonstrated that North Americans are truly the most hospitable people on earth.
We could not finish this list of thanks and tributes without singling out Anne and Joe Spiegel, Todd Boland, Ed Glover, Barbara Wetzel, Mike Cassidy and Ev Whittemore for their unstinting hospitality and overwhelming kindness that left us feeling like 'alpine' royalty in every way imaginable.