Sedum known and unknown

Submitted by Hoy on

The first picture is of a very common Sedum here, the yellow Sedum acre which flowers in June and July.
The second is a Sedum I found in Spain (or France?) almost 40 years ago. I have never found a name that fits this one. The leaves are small balls red, green or with a white-bluish hue. The flowers are white and occur in July. The plants live of rock and dew.


Submitted by Boland on Sun, 04/25/2010 - 16:28

Trond the white sedum may be S. has the blue-grey foliage and white flowers.  If the foliage were plain green, it would be S. album.

Submitted by Hoy on Thu, 05/06/2010 - 14:15

Hello! This thread have I forgotten completely! Thanks for suggestions but I am not convinced my plant is Sedum dasyphyllum. I'll bring more pictures when they flower.
I know Sedum album well, that species is native here - and often with completely red leaves, not green. We also have S. anglicum in abudance.