My best silver

Submitted by Boland on

Check out this beauty! I grew this from seed obtained from Harry Jans. It was suppose to be longifolia, but it obviously isn't! I think it may be a hybrid between paniculata and longifolia. The plant is now 4 years old and still no blooms. I expect flowers this coming year.


Submitted by Lori S. on Sun, 02/21/2010 - 17:10

Very nice!  How big across is it?  If it is the hybrid you suspect, it would not be monocarpic, right?  Certainly a relief, if so!

Submitted by Mark McD on Sun, 02/21/2010 - 17:26

Boland wrote:

Check out this beauty!  I grew this from seed obtained from Harry Jans.  It was suppose to be longifolia, but it obviously isn't!  I think it may be a hybrid between paniculata and longifolia.  The plant is now 4 years old and still no blooms.  I expect flowers this coming year.

Looks like you had some left over spray-on Christmas flocking and you're playing a trick on us.  Very nice silver Sax. ;D

Submitted by Boland on Mon, 02/22/2010 - 07:58

Lori, the largest rosette is about 7-8 cm in diameter.  The fact that there are so many babies implies it should not be monocarpic. I will propagate it this year so I have some back-ups.  It will be interesting to see how large the sprays end up, but to tell the truth, I'd be just as happy if it didn't bloom.  The rosettes themselves are beautiful.  It is certainly among the most silver sax I've ever seen.  Most of the other seedlings appear to be longifolias but there are two others with offsets albeit not as intensely silver.