Escobaria vivipara


Cold hardy, moisture tolerant, low growing form, beautiful flowers, adaptable — five key phrases to look for, when choosing a cactus to fit into your rock garden.

Escobaria vivipara is one of these cactus. It is found in seventeen U.S. states and three Canadian provinces. With such a vast territory variability is to be expected. Again E. vivipara does not let us down. The E. vivipara complex contains nine named varieties and one closely associated species.

The varieties are: arizonica, bisbeeana, deserti, kaibabensis, neomexicana, radiosa, rosa, vivipara (the most widespread) and buoflama (the name is an acronym of Bureau of Land Management). The associated species is Escobaria alversonii, at one point considered a variety.

The highest degree of variability occurs in the southwestern states. Var. vivipara is a low clumping mat and arizonica a cylindrical upright clumper. The other varieties fall in between these two forms.

17 U.S. states & 3 Canadian provinces