Our NARGS Executive Secretary, Bobby Ward, is featured in an interview by Scott Beuerlein in Horticulture magazine Spring 2025 issue, vol. 122, no. 2. It is entitled "Bobby Ward, A scholar of plants and plantspeople". And as the article notes, Bobby's books are must reads:
- A Contemplation Upon Flowers: Garden Plants in Myth and Literature (Timber Press 1999)
- The Plant Hunter's Garden: The New Explorers and Their Discoveries (Timber Press 2004)
- A Garden of One's Own: Writings of Elizabeth Lawrence (edited by Bobby Ward & Barbara Scott; UNC press 2009)
- Chlorophyll In His Veins; J. C. Raulston, Horticultural Ambassador (BJW Books 2009 - note: updated edition to be published by UNC Press in 2026)
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