By-Laws Change Passed


Below is a summary of the main provisions of the amendments passed Oct. 5, 2023  to NARGS's By-Laws.

-The By-Laws Committee


--The term limits and staggered terms for AdHoc committees have been removed from Art VII Section 1 to allow for more flexibility.  

--References to an Audit Committee have been removed from Art VII Section 3, and new review of financial records and audit provisions have been added to Art IX Section 4

--The Administrative Committee provisions have been moved into Art VII Section 3

--The ability of the Board to fill vacant officership positions has been added to Art VIII Section 1

--Term limit provisions for Officers (Art VI Section 3) and Directors (Art VIII Section 2) have been revised so that appointed terms do not count against term limit calculations

--Term limit provisions for President and Vice-President (Art VI Section 3) have been clarified to reflect that they may serve again in such positions after a gap in time

Proposed Revised By-Laws PDF

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