New NARGS Forum - Bugs Reports & Feature Requests

Submitted by Mark McD on

We already have two other related topics on the new NARGS Forum format:

1. "New Nargs Forum - Issues, Questions, Suggestions" - for open discussion related to problems or issues one runs into when attempting to use the form.

2. "New Nargs Forum - Tips & Fixes" - this was intended to be a place for sharing tips and improvements made on the NARGS Forum as they occur, but got used in similar fashion as the topic above it.

This 3rd topic "New NARGS Forum - Bugs Reports & Feature Requests" is a closed topic (just Moderators have access to it).  This is done so we can maintain a clean list of items, them mark them off as they get addressed by the web developer. If you find a bug, or you want to see features enjoyed on the previous forum or on other forums added to this venue, use the first topic listed above, or click the "send pm" button below to send me a private message.


Submitted by Mark McD on Fri, 07/12/2013 - 15:27

Bug:    Underlining text in a message will show in the text editing window, but does not display as underlined.

Feature Fix:  Underlining does not work:  OMG, underlining is finally working, 7/23/2013.
Feature Request:  Add strike-through text as a rich text editing optionStill not working, 7/23/2013.
Feature Request:  Add text color as a rich text editing optionStill not working, 7/23/2013.
Feature Request:  Add text size and font as a rich text editing optionStill not working, 7/23/2013.

Note 07/23/2013: If any of this text formatting code worked, it would show in the lines of text that precede my comments that it still isn't working.  This is for Daniel: you report these things were either fixed or features added, as of tonight. 7/23/2013 only underline now works.  When will the other text formatting functions work?