NARGS Forum closed Wed 06-12-2013 for NARGS.ORG update!

Submitted by Mark McD on

Important Announcement!

On Wednesday, June 12, 2013, the NARGS Forum will be closed, for transition to the new NARGS.ORG web site. The NARGS Forum as we know it will be very different, using a web-based interface instead of the SMF forum software familiar to NARGS and SRGC forum users.

Regarding NARGS Forum logins, I've been provided with the following information: all current NARGS Forum users, whether a NARGS member or not, will maintain their original USERNAME and PASSWORD with which to login. Any NARGS forumist wishing to change their password can do so by clicking the login link and select the "request new password" tab. As before, people not already members of NARGS Forum can request a password to log in.

My understanding is the functionality and capabilities of the new web-based NARGS Forum, are comparable to what we had previously. No doubt there will be some edits and tweaks necessary to get things converted over and running smoothly. Please bear with us during this transition; I'm along for the ride, as are our Moderators, as fearless explorers without much knowledge of what's in store ahead of us; the forum just being a piece of the much larger overhaul of the entire NARGS.ORG web site.

Mark McDonough
NARGS Forum Lead Moderator


Submitted by Mark McD on Sun, 06/16/2013 - 21:11

New NARGS Forum was up and running as of June 15, 2013.  Moderators currently working through issues with the new forum and preparing updated FAQs on how best to work in the new NARGS Forum.