Narcissus 2013

Submitted by bulborum on

Here the first Narcissus start flowering
Narcissus Julia Jane
I killed so many slugs that this year I have flowers :)



Submitted by Mark McD on Sat, 01/12/2013 - 09:51

Wow, that's one fine flat of them (it looks to me like they're growing in a flat, let me know if I'm wrong).  What a fine sight, and just look at all those buds coming along too!

Keep up the excellent slug patrol  ;)

Submitted by bulborum on Sat, 01/12/2013 - 11:57

They are in a PE 12 litre pot sins three years
the leaves make the pot invisible


Submitted by Michael J Campbell on Sat, 01/12/2013 - 12:15

Narcissus mesatlanticus hyb white
Narcissus bulbocodium.
Narcissus mesatlanticus hyb
Narcissus romieuxii .
Narcissus nylon.

Submitted by Hoy on Sat, 01/12/2013 - 14:41

Beautiful, Michael and Roland.
Roland, I killed my first slugs outside 1 January!

Submitted by bulborum on Sat, 01/12/2013 - 14:50

Thanks to to very soft winter
I killed a few weeks ago my first lilly-beetle  :o in my poly-tunnel


Submitted by Fermi on Thu, 04/11/2013 - 21:49

From the Southern Hemisphere a couple of autumn flowerers:
Narcissus obsoletus (syn N. serotinus)
Narcissus viridiflorus
Unfortunately the first finished a week or so before the second started to flower so I couldn't recreate the hybrid N x alleniae :(

Submitted by Mark McD on Thu, 04/11/2013 - 22:06

Good stuff Fermi. I should mention on behalf of many NARGS Forumists, there are indeed fall-blooming Narcissus, I'm sure most North Americans will be unaware, as I was until recently.  I never realized the existance of fall-blooming Narcissus until I frequented the pages of Scottish Rock Garden Club Forum (SRGC).  The first you show, I've seen under the name N. serotinus, a charming little thing.  The one named viridiflorus is, just... well... sort of weird (although, weird can be good, I like many such unusual plants). I'm surprised with many of the taxonomic upheavals these days, that species like Narcissus viridiflorus hasn't been split off into a separate genus.  Very cool plant, all the same.  Is there a fragrance to either of these two species?

Submitted by Tony Willis on Fri, 04/12/2013 - 07:36


I still call mine N. serotinus but then narcissus are as prone to the manic efforts of the splitters as many other genus are. The autumn flowering ones are very difficult to flower in my climate not enough heat in summer to ripen them.Seen in the wild in a good year when they are in thousands they are very nice,on the whole in a pot not very spectacular,although I persevere endlessly.

Here are a few of my spring ones
Narcissus bulbocodium
Narcissus bulbocodium var citrinus
narcissus cantabricas ssp monophyllus
Narcissus cantabricus ssp petuniodes
narcissus wateri
narcissus alpestris

Submitted by IMYoung on Fri, 04/12/2013 - 14:37

Mark,  Narcissus viridiflorus is pretty stinky- not one you want to be sinking your nose into..... :P

Submitted by Mark McD on Fri, 04/12/2013 - 18:01

Maggi, I'm sensing deja vu, I think I asked this same question on SRGC before, where I first learned about autumn blooming narcissus.

Tony, I'm particularly fond of the open chalice-shaped blooms of N. cantabricas ssp monophyllus, but have long admired (and lusted after) the flatter-face bloom of N. cantabricus ssp petuniodes.  What a sweet little thing N. alpestris is, so cute with the nodding blooms. After poor long-term results with a few dwarf narcissus grown outdoors, I've never taken the plunge, but I really must introduce a few that will behave more permanently.

Submitted by Fermi on Wed, 04/17/2013 - 08:30

IMYoung wrote:

Mark,  Narcissus viridiflorus is pretty stinky- not one you want to be sinking your nose into..... :P

From a slight distance the scent isn't overpowering - but as Ian (or Maggi) says - don't stick your nose in it!
The other one has a sweeter less potent scent and can be safely sniffed at close quarters.
If you want to see where the breeding is going have a look at this web-site:
And there were some really nice hybrids shown on the SRGC on the "KAVB Flower Show" thread a few years ago but I can't find them now!

Submitted by Tony Willis on Sat, 04/20/2013 - 15:27

A few more in flower now

Narcissus calcicola
Narcissus 'Harry'
narcissus triandus
Narcissus pallidiflorus

Submitted by Mark McD on Sun, 04/21/2013 - 10:34

I like them all, but Narcissus triandus is delightful, what a cute flower shape.
N. calcicola is a close second.

Submitted by Longma on Sun, 04/21/2013 - 12:06

Agree with you Mark. N. triandus is a real beauty.
Is it a tricky one to grow Tony?

Submitted by Tony Willis on Sun, 04/21/2013 - 15:55

Longma wrote:

Agree with you Mark. N. triandus is a real beauty.
Is it a tricky one to grow Tony?

Tricky-very much so for me. It is the only one I have left from a dozen bulbs and the first time it has flowered in many years. I just do not find the dwarfs with fine leaves easy.

One of my easy ones

Narcissus alpestris a yellow form. I was given this by a farmer in Spain as the only yellow one in a field of white ones. It was growing in a tractor track. Now up to four after eight years.

Narcissus alpestris the 'ordinary white form' from the same source

Submitted by Mark McD on Sun, 04/21/2013 - 18:55

Both color forms are top notch (the pale yellow one is my fav), fascinating how when the basic arrangement of floral parts are held differently, that it conveys such a different spirit to the flowers; I really like the sweet nodding blooms on this one. Am I seeing things, or do those flowers resemble the bowing cow heads.

I may have to relent on dwarf Narcissi, and allow yet another plant passion take root.

Submitted by bulborum on Mon, 04/22/2013 - 01:20

You are right Mark

they are both beauties
maybe later in the year Tony has some seeds to swap
Here the Narcissus pallidiflorus is just out of flower
I will try to find a last year picture
This year most flowers where destroyed by the snow when in full bloom


Submitted by bulborum on Mon, 04/22/2013 - 01:35

I found this one
Narcissus pallidiflorus


Another of the "green" daffs from Lawrence Trevanion, Limequilla x Emerald Sea;

and a Div 6 from Rod Barwick, 'Thirty'O'



Hoop Petticoat Daffodils have been a favorite since I was a kid and you could buy a packet of 3 for 50cents at the local variety store! However they almost never flowered very well where I lived! Since moving to the country we've found that they revel in our heavy clay as long as they are in raised beds with a bit of grit added to the soil. A few Aussie breeders have been specialising in them, especially Rod Barwick at Glenbrook Bulb Farm in Tasmania, so we have a huge range to choose from these days.

Here are a few that have been in flower in our garden this year.





That's a delightful bunch, Fermi.  I've given up on daffodils -- the narcissus bulb fly (two types) finds every bulb in my garden.  <sigh>


Submitted by Fermi on Thu, 08/22/2013 - 21:29

Here are a few more Div 6 daffs


Hi Rick,

mine too, but i guess my "favorites" change with the season!

Here are another couple from Keira Bulbs last year,




Submitted by RickR on Wed, 10/16/2013 - 20:33

Such nice little beauties.....

A month long blooming daffodil would be stupendous here!  Our springs are so short.


  On the other hand, with climate change, our falls are getting longer.

Well, Rick, it did have a flower open a month earlier and a few in between but not a huge number!

This is the second flower on the Narcissus bulbocodium - didn't notice till it fully opened that it had 12 petals!

12-petalled Narcissus bulbocodium

On the way to work I went past clumps of white flowers which turned out to be an old hybrid known as "Twin sisters" Narcissus x medioluteus (according to Daffseek - I think I knew it originally as x biflorus)

daffs in paddockdaffs in paddockNarcissus x medioluteus



12-petalled Narcissus bulbocodium
daffs in paddock
daffs in paddock
Narcissus x medioluteus

My first Narcissus of the 2013/14 season and very early too. Narcissus Nylon Group grown from seed sown September 2009 and flowering for the first time. Must make a note and see if it's as early next year.


Submitted by Tingley on Sat, 11/23/2013 - 07:10

We have had to give up on Narcissus in the gardens. Virtually all the ones planted in 2012 were eaten out by Narcissus Bulb Fly. I discovered this when I had to move a clump to a new location earlier this autumn. It is a shame, since the deer don't like them. Thankfully, the deer haven't bothered our tulips or Hostas yet!

Submitted by Leonard Lehman on Mon, 03/10/2014 - 14:26

would those of you who enjoy groing daffodils, kindly list your favorite miniatures and named cultivars1 I AM PUTTING TOGETHER A SHORT PROGRAM ON MINIATURES FOR THE ROCK GARDEN FOR OUR ANNUAL DAFFODIL SHOW ANDWOULD LIKE INPUT FROM EXPERTS! THANKS!



Hi Len
There is Steve who has a fantastic collection posting in our group
Have a look here:


 Narcissus pallidiflorus collected LN Pyrenees naturelising in Normandy France