
Submitted by Toole on

Fine enough here this afternoon for a pic of a large N.romieuxii ?---frilled edge--looking a bit dirty after a heavy period of rain during the night.

Cheers Dave.


Submitted by RickR on Sun, 08/08/2010 - 12:08

A very nice form!

Submitted by Hoy on Thu, 08/12/2010 - 14:29

Very nice!
I had N. romieuxii outdoors in my garden for a couple of years but they suffered in my climate and disappeared. I tried several clones but none lived longer than 3 years.
Don't you need to give them a cold winter to get flowers?

Submitted by Fermi on Thu, 08/12/2010 - 22:24

Hoy wrote:

Don't you need to give them a cold winter to get flowers?

They do well in our climate in central Victoria which is deemed to be "Mediterranean" - cold (to -7oC) wet winters  and hot (+40oC )dry summers. We grow them outdoors and try not to water them in the summer; if grown in pots we usually put them under cover in summer to avoid getting them wet when dormant.
Rod Barwick in Tasmania has developed a few strains using Nn cantabricus, romieuxii and bulbocodium including his "Detective series": Smarple, Kholmes, Olumbo, Mitimoto, Orcleuse and Sporoit.
This is a self-sown seedling of one of them, 

Submitted by Boland on Fri, 08/13/2010 - 05:18

So neat to see these this time of year!  Glad to see an Aussie as part of our group!

Submitted by Toole on Sat, 08/14/2010 - 05:37

RickR wrote:

A very nice form!

Fermi wrote:

Hoy wrote:

Don't you need to give them a cold winter to get flowers?

Thanks Rick ,Todd and Trond.

Our winters are just a bit colder than Fermi's with -9C frosts,  however our summers are way cooler --with moisture all year round.

Interestingly my plants ,(pots and garden ),have never been covered.
I didn't realise they may need a dry period ,(they say ignorance is bliss  ;D ).
I never get the 'flower power' with my clumps that you do Fermi, our woodland conditions are marginal for sun loving bulbs .
However as an experiment i'll place a few pots under cover later in the year.

I have some other Narcissus sps currently in bloom --have tried to post the pics twice tonight without any luck --will try later ,

Cheers dave.

Submitted by Mark McD on Sat, 08/14/2010 - 19:27

Toole wrote:

I have some other Narcissus sps currently in bloom --have tried to post the pics twice tonight without any luck --will try later ,

Cheers dave.

Dave, try again to upload photos.  The Forum space for photos was full, and have been enlarged by the web master.

Submitted by Toole on Sun, 08/15/2010 - 03:07

[quote author=McDonough

Dave, try again to upload photos.  The Forum space for photos was full, and have been enlarged by the web master.

Thanks Mark
Thought for a while it was me  ;D

Narcissus cyclamineus hybrid ----close up.
Narcissus romieuxii atlas gold --clump and close up---good multiplier ---flowers well each year.

Cheers Dave

Submitted by Fermi on Tue, 08/17/2010 - 01:39

Todd wrote:

So neat to see these this time of year!  Glad to see an Aussie as part of our group!

Thanks, Todd,
I can't be a frequent visitor as I only have a computer at work so can only check-in during my breaks! I'm also on the SRGC Forum as well.
The miniatrure Narcissus are a favorite at this time of the year and this is another GBF hoop: Ianmonn,

Submitted by Kelaidis on Tue, 08/17/2010 - 03:36

What a delightful clump of bulbocodium, Fermi! We're just "over the hump" of summer in Colorado: the nights are considerably cooler of a sudden, and days mostly in the 80's (Farenheit) and plants are visibly relieved...

What a delight to get a breath of springtime!

Submitted by Hoy on Wed, 08/18/2010 - 14:06

Now that the autumn is approaching I am looking forward to the springtime. Your daffodils are great reminders!

Submitted by Toole on Sat, 08/21/2010 - 03:17

A bit more of early spring .

A wee beauty ----Narcissus asturiensis-- is very slow to increase for me --a second flowering bulb this season is starting to give it some substance.