Members in the News

Submitted by HughGmail on

Below is a link to a Philadelphia Inquirer article (5/14/10) on rock garden, including mention of NARGS and Ann and Dick Rosenberg's garden.

Or at this more manageable link:


Submitted by BalistrieriCarlo on Thu, 06/03/2010 - 07:15

Thanks for the link Hugh. Nice article!

Submitted by Mark McD on Thu, 03/10/2011 - 10:22

Hello folks, this topic as a place to post newsworthy announcements and links about our own NARGS members "in the news" or in publication someplace.

The first entry is an entertaining article entitled Send in the Fronds by Michael Tortorello, published in the New York Times - Home & Garden section, where venerable NARGS member Tom Stuart in interviewed on ferns.

Use one of the 2 links below, the 2nd link should go directly to the article:
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I was not aware of Tom Stuart's exemplary web site on ferns (the article provided a link) called the Hardy Fern Library.  This is a one-stop destination for everything you wanted to know about ferns, most importantly, for help learning about and identifying ferns.  The site is an example of what every web site should strive to achieve, highly recommended!  I shall be spending lots of time there... be sure to bookmark this one!

Like ferns?  Read about ferns on NARGS Forum; feel free to post messages about your favorite ferns to help grow information on hardy ferns for our gardens:

Submitted by RickR on Thu, 03/10/2011 - 19:29

Such an opportune time to begin this topic, as on March 9th Dick and Shirley Friberg were chosen by the Minneapolis Star Tribune, and honored with an article featuring their gardens.  See it here:

They are long time members of NARGS and our Minnesota Chapter, and incredible people as well as wonderful gardeners.  May I add that several  of their gardens weren't even mentioned in the article!

Bravo, Dick and Shirley!

Submitted by Mark McD on Thu, 03/10/2011 - 20:24

RickR wrote:

Such an opportune time to begin this topic, as on March 9th Dick and Shirley Friberg were chosen by the Minneapolis Star Tribune, and honored with an article featuring their gardens.  See it here:

They are long time members of NARGS and our Minnesota Chapter, and incredible people as well as wonderful gardeners.  May I add that several  of their gardens weren't even mentioned in the article!

Bravo, Dick and Shirley!

Hi Rick, you beat me to the punch, thanks for posting, you have reason to be proud!  Earlier today I heard about this, and was planning on making my second entry in this topic tonight.  The story is inspiring, and there is a slide-show gallery linked to the article, showing the remarkable garden that Dick and Shirley Friberg have created.  I want Shirley's son to build me a garden shed like the one pictured in that article!

Slideshow on their garden: