'King of Hearts'

Submitted by Kelaidis on

I know the subject of this hybrid has been beat to death on Alpine-L (I think)...The plant is widely available. I post this picture as a caveat: it is dazzling, but the plant must grow in rich, moist, humusy soil to perform like this. In my shady rock garden where most Heuchera and many auricula penstemons thrive (and all manner of daphnes) this sulked. This is in Sandy Snyder's fabulous garden, on the north side of her house: there is no tree root competition, and lots of Sanguinaria canadensis 'Multiplex', Cyclamen europaeum, wild gingers and suchlike thriving. This blooms forever: I really must prepare a good spot and get it again!


Submitted by Hoy on Tue, 03/16/2010 - 01:42

Oh, I found this thread today. I like these plants. I grow several varieties of Dicentra as told in the other post especially the woodland performers. They do grow well here taking both sun and shadow. As I do not keep records of my plants and loose the labels I am not sure I have this variety.