Ixia ?

Submitted by Weintraub on

I skimmed through The Color Encyclopedia of Cape Bulbs this morning and found myself attracted to the pure floral colors the genus Ixia. Are any of these lovely plants hardy in the intercontinental U.S.? Any sources for them?

Many thanks!


Submitted by Fermi on Sun, 04/11/2010 - 23:09

Hi Barbara,
ixias are at least hardy to -7oC here in Victoria (Australia).
Silverhill Seeds in South Africa www.silverhillseeds.co.za usually list a good number of species.

Submitted by Kelaidis on Sun, 04/11/2010 - 23:57

I've only seen one species of Ixia on the Roggeveld (where temperatures get frosty enough for you and me): it was a wonderful, shell pink species. I did not find out the name, although I'm sure it's known. It was quite abundant around Middelpos, blooming in October (our May). I took a transparency I must transfer.

It is very possible Silverhill sells see of that one.  I only know of a very few West Cape bulbs in cultivation from the heights: it is whole new arena!