Information on tufa gardens

Submitted by Novak on

During my planning of a new tufa garden, I've come across a variety of information sources on the design and construction of tufa gardens. I thought I'd share them here. My focus here is in-ground gardening, as opposed to container gardening.

Lowe, Duncan, Growing Alpines in Raised Beds, Troughs and Tufa. Batsford 1991. [I haven't actually seen this book. Have any of you?]

"The making of a tufa garden"
"High desert tufa bed"

Scottish Rock Garden Club Forum
"Construction of a New Tufa Mound in the Rock Garden"
"Tufa Ideas"
"Building a Tufa Cliff"

Alpine Garden Society Forum
"A New Tufa Bed"

Rock Garden Quarterly
"Renewal of the Mary Azary Rock Garden, Michigan" by David Michener. Rock Garden Quarterly 67(2):129
"Building a Tufa Cliff" by David Sellars. Rock Garden Quarterly 69(4):364
"A Tufa Garden in Alaska" by Carmel Tysver. Rock Garden Quarterly 70(4):378

International Rock Gardener
"Czech Tufa King in Bavaria" by Zdeněk Zvolánek. May 2010
"Mountains in the Gardens: Second Report from the Tufa Kingdom" by Zdeněk Zvolánek. April 2012. Available online

Adirondack Chapter NARGS
"Tufa from the Ilion Gorge" by Bill Stark. Green Dragon Tales February 2013. Available, at least for now, on the chapter's web site

Wrightman Alpines
"Tufa Gardens"
"Clay Crevice & Cleft Construction"
Videos: "Josef Halda—Building a Crevice Garden," "Planting with Tufa," and "How to Create Clay Crevices in a Rock Garden"

Wild Ginger Farm
"How to Build A Tufa Rock Garden"


Submitted by IMYoung on Mon, 03/25/2013 - 11:10


During my planning of a new tufa garden, I've come across a variety of information sources on the design and construction of tufa gardens. I thought I'd share them here. My focus here is in-ground gardening, as opposed to container gardening.

Lowe, Duncan, Growing Alpines in Raised Beds, Troughs and Tufa. Batsford 1991. [I haven't actually seen this book. Have any of you?

Have a feeling we gave  this book away, since I cannot find it- this info from the web though:

"The cultivation of alpines in raised beds, troughs and tufa is the contemporary way to grow these exquisite plants successfully. These three forms of cultivation meet the special needs of alpine plants while providing an attractive and adaptable feature for any garden. In this practical handbook Duncan Lowe covers every aspect of growing alpines using these methods. The requirements of alpines are discussed through an exploration of their natural habitats, examining where they grow and why they do so, the conditions they experience and their behaviour. This information is used to produce basic guidelines for cultivation, bearing in mind what the alpine gardener can realistically provide. The author compares the conventional rock garden with raised beds, troughs and tufa, to show how more can be achieved with these three methods. For raised beds and troughs, the opening chapters describe the variety of forms and materials used in their making, the relationship of these to their surroundings and the importance of suitable siting. Detailed descriptions are given of construction with advice on the selection and use of materials and the techniques involved. Similarly thorough treatment is given to the work of completion, in the preparation of soil mixtures, planting and after-care. Tufa is introduced with an explanation of its natural creation and how it achieves the remarkable ability to support plant life. Its uses are then discussed with guidance on selection and treatment, followed by practical advice on the special planting methods required. Each of these three sections concludes with a list of selected plants suited to the particular method of cultivation. Maintenance, watering, feeding, control of pests and diseases, are all given comprehensive coverage, ensuring that this book will prove indispensable to all alpine enthusiasts."

The late lamented Duncan Lowe was, among other things, a great grower and talented artist.

Below: dust jacket of the book....

Submitted by Novak on Mon, 03/25/2013 - 14:46

Thanks -- the book sounds like a great source of information. A member of my chapter just offered to lend me his copy, so I'll soon be able to read it form myself.

Submitted by Novak on Mon, 04/29/2013 - 19:30

Another item for the tufa gardening bibliography:

"Rock Gardening in the Bohemian Style" by Zdeněk Zvolánek. The Alpine Gardener, September 2012, pp. 340-351.
This article touches lightly on tufa gardening, and has good photos of tufa gardens.