I'm Home!!!

Submitted by Mikkelsen on

Just a brief message to say, HELLO!!! I'm happy to be a member of NARGS, Wasatch Chapter. It all started 20 years ago when I saw a stunning Silene acaulis in the Uinta Mountains of Utah! I have uploaded some of my favorite photos including Penstemon duchesnensis, a field of Penstemon pachyphyllus and Astragalus spatulatus.

Well, gotta go now. My wife and I are getting ready for the Jordan Valley Utah Green Festival this Saturday. Lots of xeric plants and seeds to sell / trade!

Warm Regards,


Submitted by Boland on Thu, 09/09/2010 - 04:06

Welcome James!  Hope you find the forum informative and we look forward to seeing pics from your garden or travels and comments to posted questions and thoughts.  Please share with us whenever and wherever you can.

Submitted by Anne Spiegel on Thu, 09/09/2010 - 04:25

Welcome, James.  Can't wait to see your photos of astragalus and penstemon.  Do you grow these in your garden?  The Wasatch and the Uintahs are among my favorite places and I've spent a lot of time in Utah.  There are such wonderful plants there.

Submitted by Hoy on Thu, 09/09/2010 - 04:33

Hello, James!

I thought you were a Norwegian with that family name!
I have never been to Utah but it is on my travel wish list!

Submitted by RickR on Thu, 09/09/2010 - 12:11

Welcome James!  Thanks for stopping in at the forum.  I learn so much from the interaction here.  I hope you'll continue to post pics and pros from time to time.

It's great to "see" you here!

Submitted by Peter George on Fri, 09/24/2010 - 13:37

Nice to have you here, James. Let the others in your Chapter know about the Forum, and suggest that they come and introduce themselves as well. Hope to see you here again soon!