Greetings and congratulations from Lancashire, United Kingdom

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

May I (as an English member) attempt to post the first image on this excellent new forum and wish NARGS every success with this wonderful 'alpine' venture?

Greetings from East Lancashire to members around the globe.

Papaver rhaeticum


Submitted by Booker on Sat, 01/30/2010 - 08:40

Could we please emphasize that images need to be clicked on to be viewed at full size?  :)

Rhododendron ferrugineum

Submitted by HughGmail on Sat, 01/30/2010 - 09:16

Booker wrote:

Could we please emphasize that images need to be clicked on to be viewed at full size?  :)

Rhododendron ferrugineum

Cliff - I have posted a message to all members of the forum.  They may see the detail of the message when they link out using the 'my messages' link towards the top center of a forum page.  regards, Hugh

Submitted by Glover on Sat, 01/30/2010 - 10:27

Hi All,

I'm glad to see the forum up and running.  Hopefully this will become THE place for rock gardeners to get their questions answered and to share their expertise with others.  It is a cold day here in Wisconsin, but NARGS seeds have arrived so optimism for spring begins!

Thanks to those sending images, that certainly brightens up the day.  Cliff, we are looking forward to seeing you here in May-it should be lots warmer by then.

Thanks to all for making this Forum possible and the greatly improved website is wonderful.

Ed Glover
WI-IL Chapter

Submitted by GrazG on Sat, 01/30/2010 - 10:37

Hi Ed,

Thank you you for the kind message. I also hope that the Forum becomes a very popular destination for NARGS members.

It's cold in Columbus, Ohio, too. I think I need to get some cut flowers soon!


Submitted by Lori S. on Sat, 01/30/2010 - 11:24

Gee, Lancashire doesn't look at all as I'd imagined...   ;)

Greetings from Calgary!  
It's great to see this forum up and running.  Love the format (a clear homage to the excellent SRGC site) and I'm very much looking forward to participating here.  
Thanks very much to all who have made this site possible!

Lori Skulski

Submitted by Boland on Sun, 01/31/2010 - 07:06

A fond welcome to all members from currently cold and snowy Newfoundland.  I had a bit of a bumpy start as I could not see or post pictures but our miracle worker Hugh solved the problem for me!  Hope to 'meet' many NARGS members here.


Submitted by IMYoung on Sun, 01/31/2010 - 13:54

Dear Grazyna, Hugh and all our NARGS Friends,

It is our pleasure to send our warm congratulations to you on the launch of your Forum. This is but the latest in a line of super advances in the NARGS website and we are sure that the Members will really benefit from this chance to exchange ideas so easily around time zones and long distances.

The Scottish Rock Garden Club has found that our Forum has been a great boon to "bring the Membership together" in a way that is seldom possible in conventional ways, even with a good website, for an international club and we are confident that this will prove to be the case for NARGS as well.

We were delighted to announce the arrival of this NARGS Forum on the SRGC Forum on Saturday and we  are also very happy to pass on the good wishes of the SRGC President, Liz Mills to you all.

Good luck and congratulations !!

Ian and Margaret Young  - in snowy Aberdeen

SRGC WebTeam

Submitted by HughGmail on Sun, 01/31/2010 - 17:08

Kuchel wrote:

I tried to send a message yesterday of congratulations, but nothing was registered. Hope this comes trough.  I am looking forward to a lot of wonderful exchanges.

Marianne Kuchel
Fairlee, Vermont

thanks Marianne - we appreciate your congrats!!!  Hope you can contribute!

Submitted by Sadauskas on Sun, 01/31/2010 - 21:31

Greetings from Stevens Point WI.

Wonderful, wonderful site and totally looking forward to the new forum.  I feel more a part of this organization than ever and will contribute as much as I can.  Looking forward to the future.
