
Submitted by Fermi on

There doesn't seem to be a Thread for the geranium clan so here's to the start of one!

This is Monsonia emarginata which is a short lived perennial in our garden but withstands the harst conditions and goes through summer with very little water (maybe it wouldn't be so short lived it we watered it a bit more!?)

Monsonia emarginata



Monsonia emarginata


Submitted by John Beaulieu on Mon, 03/07/2016 - 11:20

Nice photo... I have never seen a Monsonia. How hardy are they?

I agree, we need a geraniaceae thread... I'm mostly into Erodium and Geraniums. I struggle to find information that is useful on hardiness for my conditions here in central Ontario, especially on Erodiums. A lot of trial and error going on the last few winters!

Hi John,

They survive -7oC at our place but not sure they'd like snowcheeky

I guess you could only try! I'll see if I can catch some seed if you want to give it a go,



Submitted by John Beaulieu on Tue, 03/08/2016 - 16:58

In reply to by Fermi


They sound like good candidates for an un-heated back porch where i have over-wintered some not-so-hardy geraniums such as G. palmatum. It can dip to the freezing point in there, but usually stays a bit above. I winter my pond fish in there in a big tub that only gets a thin crust of ice on the coldest nights. There would be no excessive wet and snow! A lot of my other non'hardy geraniaceae such as Erodium 'William Bishop' (formerly 'Bishop's form') and South African geraniums are crammed in a small heated portion of my garage, under lights... The fun of a Canadian winter!

Submitted by Fermi on Sun, 03/20/2016 - 05:26

In reply to by John Beaulieu

Hi John,

I'd not realized that 'William Bishop' is the new name for that erodium - we grew it for a few years but I think it eventually succumbed to drought.sad

I remembered that I have a method to catch a few seeds at least of the monsonia!

Monsonia with seed-saving device



Monsonia with seed-saving device

Submitted by Fermi on Tue, 11/08/2016 - 05:19

In reply to by Fermi

This is another South African - Pelargonium iocastrum

Pelargonium iocastrumPelargonium iocastrumPelargonium iocastrum

It grew for many years in our rock garden at the front of the house but disappeared during the drought.

This year it has re-appeared and is flowering well - this one is growing in the gravel path!



Pelargonium iocastrum
Pelargonium iocastrum
Pelargonium iocastrum

Pelargonium curviandrum, a South African geophytic species

Pelargonium curviandrumPelargonium curviandrum

Pelargonium anethifolium another South African geophyte which is growing in the garden

Pelargonium anethifoliumPelargonium anethifoliumPelargonium anethifolium

Pelargonium laxum, South African, shrubby and summer dormant,

Pelargonium laxum



Pelargonium curviandrum
Pelargonium curviandrum
Pelargonium anethifolium
Pelargonium anethifolium
Pelargonium anethifolium
Pelargonium laxum

Hi Rick,

All these are usually grown outdoors though I did put the P.curviandrum into the Shadehouse when the foliage died off and the flower-buds started to show.

Our winters are fairly mild though and the ground doesn't freeze



Submitted by Fermi on Fri, 01/13/2017 - 06:27

In reply to by Fermi

Pelargonium rodneyanum is a local species and we grow it in raised beds in rock gardens

Pelargonium rodneyanumPelargonium rodneyanum



Pelargonium rodneyanum
Pelargonium rodneyanum

Geranium harveyii is a South African species which has silver foliage which spreads out from a central root stock. It can be smothering in the right conditions which can be risky for small neighboring plants,

Geranium harveyiiGeranium harveyii




Geranium harveyii
Geranium harveyii

I also grow Geranium harveyii.  I like that it can grow with little water in hot, dry spots.  The flowers are small, but the foliage is gorgeous.


Hi Claire,

Here are a few more pics of Geranium harveyi growing in our Rock Garden

Geranium harveyiiGeranium harveyiiGeranium harveyii



Geranium harveyii
Geranium harveyii
Geranium harveyii

Submitted by Fermi on Sun, 12/17/2017 - 08:27

In reply to by Fermi

We got this someone selling it as Pelargonium triste but it's very different to the one we grew from seed from Silverhill Seeds which has paler flowers and hairy foliage

Pelargonium triste dark form Pelargonium triste dark form

And it already had seed from some earlier blooms

Pelargonium triste dark form in seed



Pelargonium triste dark form
Pelargonium triste dark form
Pelargonium triste dark form in seed