fountain gardens

Submitted by UDJim on

Hi -

I'm new to the forum, but would like to share some experience with "miniature brass buttons", aka leptinella. I had seen this plant in an alpine garden and thought it might work well in my tabletop fountain gardens.

Despite the constant moisture, so far, so good:

Any others with similar experience, or advice?


Submitted by RickR on Tue, 09/04/2012 - 21:16

Welcome to the forum, Jim!

No advice here, but I did once try it between some crazy pavement in unamended, dryish clay soil.  I didn't really expect it to live... and it didn't.

Now I just picked up a pot of Leptinella squallida at our August Chapter sale two weeks ago.  I have been waiting for a stretch of cooler days to plant it.  But so far, kept moist in the pot on the north side of my house, it has about doubled in size already(!), and reaches for the sun.


Submitted by UDJim on Wed, 09/05/2012 - 02:42

Thanks for sharing, Rick.  Do you plan to leave your leptinella outside through the winter?  If not, what inside conditions do you expect would suit it best?
Are there other miniatures you might suggest I try in my fountains?

Thanks again.

Submitted by cohan on Sun, 09/23/2012 - 00:48

Jim, you might try looking at some of the terrarium suppliers, in spite of being open, the moisture would likely favour some of the same plants- Black Jungle springs to mind, and Glasshouse Works has some very cool stuff in their terrarium section and other specialty listings- there are cool miniatures in many families... Sadly, very hard and/or expensive to get any of that stuff up here, but I have drooled over those lists!