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Seed-starting chronicles - 2015

Submitted by Lori S. on

This year, the coveted "Eager Beaver" prizes go to the following species:

Astragalus arnottianus - surface sown at room temperature after scarifying; 2 seeds germinated after 1 day; 11 seeds germinated on the second day.

The runner up is:

Convolvulus tragacanthoides - seeds surface sown at room temp after scarifying; 1 seed germinated on 2nd day after sowing.

Seeking seed provenance

Submitted by Longma on

I am trying to find the location data for some seed that was bought from Mr Ron Ratko approx. 10 years ago. The plants are now flowering and it would be very nice to establish their provenance, but I have no access to old catalogs or data sheets. Is there anyone here who has such access or can possibly put me in touch with someone who has please?

Advice on Calochortus bruneaunis & leichtlinii seed

Submitted by Tingley on

I received packets of seed for Calochortus bruneaunis and Calochortus leichtllinii  during the surplus round, and am wondering how to handle them. Lately,  overnight temperatures have settled either side of freezing, with daytime highs forecast to range between 41 and 50 F for the next two weeks.

Calochortus seeds are totally new to me, and I couldn't find much information about a germination protocol for them. Do they require stratification? I figure I have three options:

Pacific Coast Iris Germination Technique

Submitted by Tingley on

When my seed selections arrived from the Society for Pacific Coast Native Iris, I decided to follow a recently recommended method to improve my germination rate. Kathleen Sayce ran an experiment documented in volume 40, Spring 2012 edition of the SPCNI Almanac. I used a nail file or simply my fingernail, to scratch away as much of the seed coat as possible, on every seed. The seeds were placed in leakproof ziplock bags, partially filled with water, and sealed.

Seed Starting Chronicles 2014

Submitted by deesen on

Sorry this thread is a bit out of date, and I can't find one for 2013 and it's a bit late to start one now.


I have seed from one of the Exchanges of wild collected Clintonia uniflora and would welcome advice on when to sow and cultivation generally please.

(Moderator note: I've started a new thread, David, I hope successfully!  How about let's include "late 2013" in with the 2014 thread?    Lori)