Plant and Seed Swap


a forum for seeds/plants wanted, or seeds/plants to share or swap

Trillium rivale seeds available

Submitted by Cockcroft on

Though not as many as in years when I wield a pollinating brush, I have Trillium rivale seeds to share. There may be pink ones or white ones, some with red streaks through the flowers, and some with nice markings on the leaves. Heights range from 5 to 8 inches. It's a random sampling, I'm afraid. Send email if you are interested.

Here's a picture of some of the forms.

Exchange opuntioids

Submitted by Martin Tversted on

I have a smaller surplus of cold hardy Maihueniopsis for exchange. They have proven hardy for me to at least minus 19C for weeks of being frozen. Im sure they take it colder down south where there is more winter sun.
Im looking for cuttings or seeds of named locations or cultivars of smaller US opuntioids like polyacantha, aurea, debrechzyi, fragilis etc.

Denmark Z6

Seeking Pseudotrillium rivale forma reticulatum

Submitted by Jeddeloh on

I know this is a major long shot but I'd love to get my hot little hands on a piece of rhizome or even seed of a heavily silver veined form of Pseudotrillium (Trillium) rivale. I know someone who has managed to tissue culture trilliums so you can see where I'm going with this..... If you've got this baby and are overseas seed is no problem-I have a seed import permit.

I have (if it hasn't drowned) Pseudotrillium rivale "Purple Heart" or Trillium kurabayashii seed (not ripe yet) to trade. I can also most likely scare up some Trillium ovatum seed later this summer.

Paris japonica

Submitted by Diane Clement on

I've had an email from someone in New Hampshire wanting a plant or seeds of Paris japonica. Does anyone know of a source in the US? I'll pass on any information. Thanks

Crepis incana

Submitted by Diane Clement on

Does anyone know a supplier of Crepis incana plants or seed in the US? I've had an enquiry from someone in Maine.
Although I know several people who grow the plant in the UK, the plants rarely make viable seed here. I'm not sure if that is due to lack of summer heat or the need for a second plant. I'll pass on any contacts to the person who contacted me.

Here's a picture of mine at its best last year (picture taken late July 2011)