Plant and Seed Swap


a forum for seeds/plants wanted, or seeds/plants to share or swap

Seed available for Salvia caespitosa/quezelii(?) - update on plant identity

Submitted by Lori S. on

As I have not gotten any confirmation on the ID of this plant, purchased labelled as Salvia caespitosa/S. quezelii(?), I hesitate to send seeds to the NARGS and SRGC seedexes, and will instead send them out to whoever wants them... 

PM me if  would like seed of this attractive, if somewhat mysterious, large-flowered Salvia.

Wanted: Roscoea Seeds

Submitted by Tingley on

I am looking to build a collection of Roscoeas, which are not commonly available in Atlantic Canada. I would like to find seed from Roscoea nepalensis and Roscoea wardii. Different colour forms of Rosoea cautleyoides, R. humeana and R purpurea (especially seed from Red Gurkha or any other of the rubra types) are also on my search list. Currently germinating R. alpina, R cautleyoides and R humeana seed from "Plant World Seeds", so any additional seeds would be very welcome.

Open to seed trades

Submitted by Broekhuis on

I'm always looking for trades of interesting new species and varieties of (mostly) perennials. Alpines are good, but I'm also game for woodlanders, border perennials, or anything else that might grow in a mid-Atlantic U.S. garden. I keep a fairly up-to-date list of my available seed trades up at .
Already looking forward to the annual seedex shipment, and just killing some time till they arrive :-)