General Forum


a forum for any general garden topic or question

Northwest Flower show

Submitted by Kelaidis on

I have been back for almost a week now, and the show ended last Sunday, but I can't resist posting some of the nursery displays from this amazing show. There were a half dozen really fine nurseries with great offerings for rock gardeners: Kelly Dodson and Sue Milliken's Far Reach Farm was mobbed the whole time, and Edelweiss Alpines from Portland had a great display including lots of Gentiana acaulis in full bloom!


Submitted by Mark McD on

Agastache is a relatively small genus in the Lamiaceae (Mint family); mostly North American except a single species in Asia and Russia (A. rugosa). These are aromatic ornamental herbaceous perennials or subshrubs, the best and showiest ones from southwestern USA and Mexico.

NARGS Membership - Why or Why Not?

Submitted by Peter George on

Now that we've opened the Forum to everyone willing to take the time to register, I am very interested in knowing why some of you have not joined NARGS. This question is not designed to pressure anyone, but to actually find out the specific reason or reasons why so many people who are involved in rock gardening choose not to join the 'big' organization.

Weather 2011

Submitted by Mark McD on

Who doesn't love talking about the weather, particularly us plant-sensitive types, so I'm kicking off the Weather 2011 thread ;)

With a gentle 2"-3" (5-7.5 cm) topping of fresh snow, I waded out in waist-deep snow to snap a few photos. The new snow was the sticky type, beautifully serving to trace tree and shrub branching. Here are some of my favorite woodies:

Gaura mutabilis seed source?

Submitted by Saori on


I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this question...

One of my friends from Japan is interested in hybridizing using Gaura mutabilis ( and is looking for Gaura mutabilis seed.

I have been looking around for quite a while but I haven't had luck so far.

Would anybody out there perhaps be able to share some seeds, or maybe know where I might
obtain some?

Thanks very much!


Orphan Members of NARGS

Submitted by Peter George on

The huge burst of activity on Alpine L recently, in particular a huge series of photograph uploads by Jane Hendrix, leads me to the logical question of what we in NARGS can do to support our numerous 'orphan' members. 'Orphan' refers to those members who are not members of Chapters, most often because they don't live near an existing one. We have members all over the world, and even in North America there are many members, Jane among them, who would have to travel hours to get to a meeting of their closest chapter.