General Forum


a forum for any general garden topic or question

Durham AGM: spouse looking for company for lemur event

Submitted by Novak on

Anyone coming to Durham for the AGM have a partner who might be interested in seeing lemurs? On Saturday afternoon, my husband, Chris, is visiting the Duke Lemur Center, and is looking for company. The Lemur Center is dedicated to research on and conservation of lemurs, those incredibly cute animals from Madagascar. The visit is going to involve watching lemurs paint. There's no charge, and Chris can drive people there.

If anyone is interested, let me know and I'll put you in touch with Chris.


Anyone grown Noccaea fendleri from seed?

Submitted by jsjones6 on

Has anyone grown Noccaea fendleri from seed (or know of a written account of someone doing so)?  We have a grad student who was asking about growing it (for a research project).  I've grown a fair number of WY natives from seed but haven't grown this one, my assumption is that it wouldn't be particularly hard to germinate or grow.  (was possibly listed as Thlaspi montanum in the past - though not a dwarf form)

Thanks in advance for any responses!

Looking for a Japanese Maple guru

Submitted by NC Wolverine on

Good Afternoon!  I am a very new member of NARGS at the time of this posting, and while the predominant interest of this community seems to be more in the nature of plants (as opposed to trees), I was wondering if there is anyone within the membership that would be willing to provide me with their opinions as to the ID of an unknown Japanese Maple that I 'rescued' several years ago from Lowe's.

Gardens worth visiting

Submitted by jyang201 on

My daughter is in Colorado with several solitary hours to use up before meeting friends. When she Googled "things to do in Denver," the Botanical Garden popped up. She is not really interested in gardening (or rather, she isn't interested in gardening tasks), but it's a nice day to be outdoors and didn't cost a lot.


Submitted by jyang201 on

I am planting a succulent trough in zone 6. What would be good proportions of soilless mix, Turface, perlite, and granite grit?

In the past I have planted mini astilbe, hosta, iris, and oregano next to succulents. They didn't make it through the winter, while the succulents did. Are their soil needs too different to try growing them in the same medium?


Berger BM1 and Sungro Professional Growing Mix

Submitted by jyang201 on
"A soil-less mix fortified with Turface, sand, and granite grit is a good general-purpose mix for many plants,"

I've got lots of Turfaceand granite grit, but when I asked for soil-less mix at the nursery, everybody looked blank as if they had never heard of such a t