Cultural Problems


a place to ask others about plant problems

Veronica liwanesis

Submitted by 61492 on
I see pictures of this plant blooming in many nursery mailings and on the web. Mine has never flowered. I've had it in sun and shade, with average moisture. Just what does it want?

Lysimachia ephemerum

Submitted by Gryboski on

Lysimachia ephemerum seems to be considered non-invasive.  Although it may not spread widely by seed, I wonder if anyone who has experience with it can tell me if it is like its cousin, L. clethroides, which, once planted, is almost impossible to be rid of as any little root left behind will grow.  I'm currently growing it from seed but wonder if I dare plant it out!


Cryptomeria browning

Submitted by NC Wolverine on

I live n North Carolina, and am beginning to thing that trying to grow pretty much any cryptomeria in this region for any length of time will result with a tree or shrub turning brown (I am guessing from some sort of fungus).

Cuphea viscocissima seed germination requirements

Has anyone tried raised Cuphea viscocissima from seed? I am curious as to specific cultural requirements? Cool greenhouse, pre-chill, sow in-situ? Heat treatment? I am in New England, and have seen amazing plants in the gardens of the Berkshire Botanical Gardens, but not sure if they were planted as seedlings, or sown on site. Thanks!

Lewisia cotyledon

Submitted by Gene Mirro on

I have some old potted plants of Lewisia cotyledon that have developed bare trunks about 2 inches long.  I will be planting them in the ground.  Should I leave the trunks exposed above ground level, or should I bury them?

Iris gracilipes

Submitted by Leonard Lehman on

I have always liked Iris gracilipes as a choice woodland or shady rock garden plant. However, for me it seems to be a short lived perennial, lasting only a few years before it disappears. Does anyone have any cultural tips to make it last longer? Also, has anyone germinated it from seed? If you follow Norm Deno's advice from his book on seed germination,most iris require a 2yr cycle for gerination-wet-cold then dry-hot, then wet cold and finally dry hot but I have had Iris milesii germinate in one season.

Invasive plants

Submitted by Lori S. on

After a brief experiment with it in the garden, plume poppy (Macleaya cordata) has earned a place very high up on my Most Invasive Plant list! I was aware that it was considered invasive but I thought I'd try one anyway and see for myself last summer. It didn't do much of anything at all last year and this spring, I was even wondering if it had survived... but then yesterday I noticed the distinctive leaves coming up 1-2 feet away from the plant.