Here are a few photos from yesterday's drive out to the Sibbald Creek area in the foothills and a walk around the Ole Buck Trail...
Usnea lichen on dead tree; Moose Mountain in the distance; fireweed in fall colour; kinnikinnick (Arctostaphylos uva-ursi):
Shelf fungi; Bateman Creek x2; trembling aspens; the velvety berries of twisted stalk (Streptopus amplexifolius):
Re: Foothills scenes
Geranium viscosissimum in the roadside meadow and baneberry (Actaea rubra) in the woodland edge:
Lusk Creek with a late Castilleja on its banks among the Dryas drummondii:
Re: Foothills scenes
Sibbald Creek, is it named for the same person as Sibbaldia?
A nice area and interesting plants and other life forms.
Re: Foothills scenes
No, I expect it was probably named after a rancher in the area, as per this info:
Re: Foothills scenes
Thanks. And I found out that Sibbaldia is named by Linné in honour of Sir Robert Sibbald:
Maybe your farmer is an descendant ;)
Re: Foothills scenes
Nice trip- interestingly, some things I don't see in the foothills west of here, though some of that can be luck of site and timing, too.. though it looks as though it might be drier there..
Mushrooms and sphagnum in the woods:

A steep roadcut into eroding conglomerate, topped by coaly strata - the sparse vegetation on this slope is dominated by Polemonium viscosissimum (mainly), Phacelia sericea and grasses (plus a few dandelions):

Along the roadside, Campanula rotundifolia and Knautia arvensis (an introduced weed) in bloom: