Ferns for sunny sites!

Submitted by Hoy on

Here you are, Mark!
I do not grow many ferns for sunny location but can contribute with what I have. In fact, I do not grow these ferns, they have chosen to grow with me.

One is the very common Polypodium vulgare. This one spreads moderate with stolons in shallow moss cover on rocks and boulders and tree-trunks.
The other, Asplenium septentrionale, is a small one growing in very dry crevices.
Both tolerates full sun (at least in Norway) but grow in shade too.


Submitted by Boland on Tue, 07/13/2010 - 16:58

I grow many ferns in full sun...at least what constitutes full sun in Newfoundland!  Osmunda, Matteuccia, Woodsia, Adiantum aleuticum and Athyrium felix-femina are the ones that do best for me (must keep them moist).  I do keep the Polystichums, most Dryopteris and painted fern types in at least part shade.  There are a bunch of desert ferns (Cheilanthes, Notholaena), from the USA SW that will tolerate baking sun that could work in your area Mark; they are small enough for any rockery.....they are not hardy enough for my area.