Erythronium revolutum

Submitted by Gene Mirro on

Nice sturdy plants this year, in spite of the cold, wet weather so far. Growing on a raised bed in the shade of a honey locust tree. They get full morning sun.

Flower detail:

If you think it's another species, please post. I always need help with ID.


Submitted by Hoy on Sat, 04/09/2011 - 00:27

I can't help you with names but they are stately plants!

Submitted by ncole on Sat, 04/09/2011 - 05:56

They are beautiful.  I heard these are the only plants that commit suicide...their bulbs bury themselves so deep they stop blooming.  Is this a "wives tale"?

Submitted by Gene Mirro on Sat, 04/09/2011 - 10:37

Ncole, I've been growing them for over 20 years, and I haven't seen that happen.

Submitted by AmyO on Sat, 04/09/2011 - 16:04

Gene...really gorgeous plants! Good for you! I've got a few E. americanum here and sometimes they don't bloom..but it seems like the more mottled the leaves the better the blooming.
I purchased a couple of E. toluimense (sp?) from Brent & Becky's Bulbs this spring...looking forward to seeing them bllom, hopefully this year. :)

Submitted by Jeddeloh on Fri, 04/15/2011 - 22:15

My Dad has several absolutely gorgeous patches of Erythronium revolutum growing under deciduous trees.  They are seeding around and are quite spectacular when in full bloom.  I need to get over there one of these days and get a picture.  You can usually get revolutum seed from the NARGS seed exchange.


Submitted by Boland on Sun, 05/01/2011 - 15:31

I love Erytronium...I have to purchase this one...I have three pinks...dens-canis, japonicum and siberica but sorely lacking revolutum.

Submitted by Gene Mirro on Mon, 05/16/2011 - 19:47

Todd, I could send some bulbs, but I don't know if the Canadian plant police would allow that.  Do you want some seeds?  I'm kind of skeptical that the western species would make it outside in your cryogenic winter temperatures.  Maybe they would be OK in a 32 degree F greenhouse or potted up and stored at 40F indoors.

Submitted by Toole on Wed, 09/19/2012 - 03:18

In bloom here currently ...

I presume they are or have some E.revolutum in their genes..... :-\

Being woodlanders they associate well with Trilliums and Anemones.

Not sure about the second last one...

Like Trilliums i try and grow as much seed of Erythroniums as i can lay my hands on.

Cheers Dave

Submitted by Howey on Wed, 09/19/2012 - 06:03

Don't remember seeing colored Erythroniums growing up in Victoria, BC, but we children used to pick the white ones - dens canis? - that grew in abundance.  I do have the yellow one with the mottled leaves which they call "trout lily", but the bulbs seemed to have buried themselves and only one or two flowers come up in the spring.  White ones cover a hillside at the Western University here growing under deciduous trees (Cercis).  Having something growing here that I remember from Victoria is quite a pleasure and, at the moment, along with a Cornus floridus (haven't been able to germinate nuttallii yet), maiden hair ferns and a 5 ft. Garry Oak plus some roses and spring bulbs (tulips and hyacinths), that's about it at the moment.  But we keep trying.  Fran

Frances Howey
London, Ontario, Canada
Zone 5b

Submitted by Toole on Thu, 09/27/2012 - 03:40

Thanks Michael and David .

Fran ---For some reason my various E. dens canis had very few blooms on them this season....

Trond --Brrr.......

Cheers Dave.